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Showing posts from June, 2024

Why Choose Japanese Gardening over Traditional Lawns

  By Jose G. Monagas  | As a neighbor, I've noticed a growing interest among Calgarians in adopting sustainable gardening and landscaping practices. However, many haven't yet explored the numerous benefits offered by Japanese landscaping. Japanese gardening is rooted in reverence for nature, drawing from centuries-old traditions influenced by Shinto and Buddhist philosophies. It aims to craft meticulously designed spaces that harmonize with the seasons and invite contemplation. Stepping into a Japanese garden (for example, the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden in Lethbridge, AB), you immediately sense tranquility. This effect is achieved through carefully curated elements like raked gravel simulating flowing water, serene ponds, meticulously pruned trees celebrating the beauty of imperfection, and more. In stark contrast, traditional lawns are monocultures that demand constant watering, fertilizing, and mowing. They serve little purpose beyond aestheti