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Homeowners in Calgary are Looking for More Versatile and Low Maintenance Solutions to Traditional Lawns in their Yards

By Jose G. Monagas  |

Residents in Calgary have consciously decided to immerse themselves in a haven of peace and tranquility as we introduce the captivating world of Japanese Zen style gardens and landscaping as an option. Meanwhile, both the news and media have consistently reported about how much water is being wasted on unsustainable lawns -- where households consume in excess of 10 thousand gallons of water annually. This phenomenon, known as "the hidden water waste in lawn maintenance" is something we aim to address through our approach.

It is unsettling to see how in dry climates like Calgary, homeowners tend to overwater their lawns during the hot summer months in order to maintain their green appeal. Unfortunately, this results in a significant amount of fresh water being lost through evaporation. So, adopting Zen dry gardens is a smart move towards a more sustainable future, as they require minimal to no irrigation -- which is an ideal solution to eliminate the excessive water consumption associated with lawns in North America.

The benefit of opting-in for this landscaping style is the low maintenance required for a Zen dry garden in comparison to a traditional lawn. In essence, any outdoor or indoor area can be transformed into a serene escape within their own property. This is the perfect choice for homeowners who are short on time, energy or a budget; especially for those Calgary residents experiencing chronic pain, aging, or something more important than mowing their lawns.

Thankfully, in Alberta, we have plant varieties that can thrive in our climate and soil conditions, serving as eco-friendly ground cover. For example, popular lawn substitutes include "sedum" (or "stonecrops") and "woolly thyme" (or "wild thyme"). Next, by incorporating elements like gravel, rocks, stones, and boulders, homeowners can enhance the aesthetic appeal of their gardens while reducing their monthly water bill by 30 percent.

In fact, Japanese and Zen dry gardens offer more than just beauty. Whether for outdoor or indoor settings, they can be tailored to fit any space. Due to their flexibility and minimal upkeep requirements, they have the potential to boost a real estate property's resale value by 15% to 20%. Theses features make Zen style gardens most attractive for homeowners who are looking for sustainable investment awards.

At Ishidoro Zen Gardens, we see beauty in austerity. That is why we specialize in creating and caring for Japanese style gardens and Zen landscapes. We stay true to the traditional principles of the craft while adapting them to our local climate and environment in Calgary. Our work is driven by a profound respect and appreciation of both the Japanese culture and aesthetics, and the Zen ideals of simplicity and unity with nature.

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